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Farm, Featured, News

Blooms Begin in Southern Mexico

November 20, 2019

Fall crop update; Ecuador, Peru and Southern Mexico bloom watch

Mexico’s organic mango season is a big one. Not only is Mexico the longest and farthest stretching of all the mango regions we import from, but it yields the most consumer demand and highest sales volumes. Now is when we start to monitor growth closely, paying attention to all the details leading up to the 2020 season onset. In organics, onset typically occurs in February. There are undoubtedly many unknowns this time of year, but we can begin to read the clues. These help us predict what nature has in store. Continue Reading…

Farm, Featured, Secrets & Lies

“La Ventosa”

January 18, 2018

How an Eastern US Cold Front Spawns Wind in Oaxacan Mango Orchards

While most of the industry has been consumed by Mexico’s cold temperatures from the seasonal, southern traveling cold front, often blanketing Mexico this time of year, (nicknamed norte by southern Mexicans), we are more concerned with the wind phenomenon currently happening outside our mango orchards in Oaxaca, a dynamic outcome of these cold fronts.  Continue Reading…

Farm, Featured, Secrets & Lies

Mother Nature Strikes and Unexpected “Blow” in Oaxaca

January 13, 2017

Heavy, Unexpected Winds Challenge Crop Outlook From Oaxaca Region

Two days ago heavy winds swept through Oaxaca in the southern regions of Mexico centered heavily in mango production zones. Many of the early mangoes expected to be harvested for January and February have literally been ripped off the trees for several producers in the area or severely damaged by the hefty winds. We don’t yet know the full details, but in the very least we know the situation is very troublesome to overall regional production outlooks previously forecasted. We are currently accessing Crespo Organic production in the area to determine which of our orchards have been effected and if so, to what extent and what it may mean for our early production yields.

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Farm, Featured

Sweet & Fruitful Predictions for Mexican Organic Mangoes

January 5, 2017

2017 season springs into action in Oaxaca with “normalcy”

The first cut of the 2017 Mexican mango season will happen sometime around the second week of January but the US market won’t get their hands on any until mid February. The projected “normalcy” that Crespo Organic reported on in late November 2016, seems to be on track and with each day comes more exactitude in our forecasting. Early bloomage and cooperating weather has given way to ample fruit formation for this spring and we are happy to continue to predict a “normal” mango season for the southern Mexican regions of Oaxaca and Chiapas. This not only good timing but good for the Crespo Organic Mango season we are about to “spring” into.

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