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Mango Marketing

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Time to Brush Up On Ataulfo Marketing

January 18, 2022


Shortcut to success, Ataulfo Marketing 101

This is an industry geared post.

Even though it is currently cold in most states and fresh snow has blanketed much of the US, spring is definitely coming. It always does and when it does mango sales increase.  The way we crave comfort food in the winter is exactly the way we crave healthy and vibrant foods in the spring and succulent juicy, thirst quenching fruits in the summer.  Mangoes are  healthy and vibrant and thirst quenching and juicy and Ataulfos are the most vibrant and healthy mangoes we have access to in our organic marketplace and the most rewarding summer time fruit.

The buttery smooth Ataulfo flesh  makes them extremely versatile for cooking and they are easy to please consumers price wise with  sizing at 14/16/18/20 vs 8/9/10/12. The Crespo Organic Ataulfo program is robust. Not only do we take sizing and quality seriously but we have invested in the consistency of volume necessary to build sales and large season long  national programs.

The Crespo Organic seasons starts in late January and moves through  mid-August, so its also long one- worthy of some attention, especially as Ataulfos take off as the fastest growing organic varietal among consumers.

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