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Featured, Kitchen, News

A Celebration of Mexico & Mangoes

June 14, 2019

 Bolinas Summer Mango Mania celebrates authentic Mexico cuisine and  local organic farmers with Ger-Nis Supper Club, join in……..

During the weekend celebration that is Bolinas Summer Mango Mania ( July 4th – July 7th) we are offering up a special treat as the Crespo Organic Kitchen and Ger-Nis Culinary partner up to host their second annual, A Celebration of Mexico feast. The Ger-Nis’ Sunday Supper club, held seasonally and typically on a Sunday- moves to Saturday and  not only features a totally mango-centric menu but a PURO-MEXICO experience utilizing the hyper-local and organic produce around from a remote little beach village in northern California, called Bolinas. . The supper club is a unique eating and educational experience that showcases the goods of local, organic, sustainable and fairly traded farm products and aims to better educate consumers about farming and farm culture through unique food experiences.. This summer we celebrate the Crespo family by offering up  the seafood rich cuisine of the coastal Sinaloa region where the Crespo family calls home- El Rosario.  Educational will seep in through your taste buds.

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Farm, Featured, News

Summertime Crop Update

June 13, 2019


 Mexican organic mango season prepares for great peak. We will all be dripping in sweet mango mania.

I do a fair amount of writing work in addition to all my other doings…. This article was originally written for and published (in edited form) by Organic Produce Network, to see the edited version on OPN’s weekly newsletter- click here.

Consumers are having an excellent Mexican organic mango season, larger than normal displays of great looking and tasting fruit are bountiful and prices have been incredibly appetizing. This mango mania is expected to continue as the season has completed the transition into the most voluminous northern producing regions of Nayarit and Sinaloa. Reports of orchards of abundance  mangoes will surely bring ample promotions over the hot summer months when consumer cravings are most copious.

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Featured, Kitchen

My Sipsong Indira Mango Magic

June 8, 2019

It’s not for the simple minded, its weird and fun and complex, as I like it!

I often hear that my recipes seem complicated. I also hear once given a chance and actually made, they are easily executable, work well and are enjoyable to make.  In the kitchen (and maybe life) I teeter between the quick-and-easy and the more-steps-than-usual (but still easy). It’s kind of like walking many miles; the walking part is easy; the many miles part takes  simple action and will.

This recipe is seemingly complicated. It has a lot of steps and many ingredients. It offers deeply exotic rewards, but requires will… and work. Sometimes I get a weird idea, and it unravels into something even more weird. But as my therapist always says about my unraveling, I always land somewhere pragmatic. This recipe is just that.

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Farm, Featured, Secrets & Lies

Mango Truths (Forecasting Summer)

May 8, 2019

Sleuthing through the noise north and south of the border

The truth is not always easy to find. It’s much like self-awareness. You have to have a great deal of will to find it.  The current mango market is a strange one that has a lot of folks asking questions about what’s currently happening and what’s next.

In addition to produce being fickle in general, global warming has made forecasting difficult and unpredictable. Making matters worse, the industry is getting ultra-competitive with skinnier profit margins and higher operating costs. Mangoes -all the while- are a booming business. American consumers increasingly clamor for this sweet fruit, and there is little demand slowdown in sight. To-the-minute information is almost impossible to get right and those able to provide it often feel like they’re yielding what little power they have left by sharing it.

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Farm, Featured

Copious Mexican Fruit (Coming Soon)

March 7, 2019

All Region Season Predictions are In

 It’s a funny (funny weird, not funny ha ha) time to report on copious amounts of  mangoes.  Supply on the round mangoes has taken an abrupt turn this week as Peru’s volume of Kents finally came to a halt  and as Mexican Tommy Atkins are still just drizzling out of the orchards. Shortage is the main talk of the mango town. ………BUT.

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Farm, Featured, Secrets & Lies

Carbon Sequestration in Mango Trees

February 25, 2019

Nature gives us a green deal in mangoes

The business of growing food for the American and Canadian markets in Mexico can often seem, and often times is, a strain on the environment. Regardless of whether your climate change viewpoints fall right, left or center, we could all agree that the unpredictable nature of weather affects us all. As more and more people around the globe lean more towards believing in climate change, more resources are shifted into its science and studies, and with that comes not only solutions but simple information that can sometimes surprise us all.

New studies are continuing to emerge leading to conclusions that mango orchards can help mitigate climate change.

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Farm, Featured, Secrets & Lies

The Squeezed Squeeze Back

February 5, 2019

Round Mango Market Difficulties Ahead

Weeks 8-12 are the problem. Last Friday there was an early morning surge of mango chatter amongst industry folks.  A handful of the bigger conventional players released a series of statements —more like warnings, in the form of internal and external emails, the subject being massive shortages of round mangoes as the Peruvian season winds down and transitions into Mexican and Central American fruit.

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Farm, Featured, News, Product

Crespo Organic Sees All Yellow

January 21, 2019

Mexico revs up mango engines with Ataulfos to start the season

Most packing sheds are currently opened, opening or will be opening in the next few weeks in the southern states of Oaxaca and Chiapas.

Ataulfos are on track to start first – some growers have started picking and others will start picking next week and, in the weeks, to follow.  Ideally growers should be particular in the pack out as its been reported by several growers – we included- that because of heavy rains during December when fruit formation was taking place, much of the onset fruit may not be of the highest quality (on the outside). Some growers, like us, are opting to have more patience as the fruit behind the onset fruit is showing much better quality.  Being particular in terms of pack out vs, the pack everything methodology that often occurs with the opening of the season, has proven to be more successful for our rather large Ataulfo program that lasts through August, typically.  

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Farm, Featured, News, Secrets & Lies

South American Predictions are In

October 10, 2018

Pronatur mango farm, Peru

Ecuadorian Small Fruit Abundance and Limited Peruvian Volumes

This article originally published -edited- for Organic Produce Network
click here for the published version
Below is the unedited version, written by Nissa Pierson

If the Mexican organic mango season can give us insight into the approaching Ecuadorian and Peruvian seasons, it’s that increasingly unpredictable weather patterns complicate predictions; especially in the midst of burgeoning mango markets that continue to ripen as global consumers gravitate towards fresh mangoes and organics, at a rate that has proven difficult for organic growers to keep up with, consistently. Continue Reading…