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Farm, Featured, Product

Thai Sweet Green Mango

July 5, 2017

Mamuang Kiew Sa Wei

In my current life surrounded by mangoes, I meet countless mango lovers who fell head over heels  through their excursions around the globe. (I personally discovered mangoes as a little girl in Nicaragua.) The mango embodies flavors of nostalgia, awakening the feeling of those far off exotic places with every bite. The most devout members of this mango lover tribe seem to be those who discovered mangoes while in Thailand. These mango lovers have tasted mangoes with a more dynamic richness and more stages of ripeness than anywhere else in the world. They also seem to be the only mango connoisseurs that know the sweet green mango!

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Featured, Product

The Keitt Mango

July 21, 2016


Late Season Vibrancy in a Big Package

As we soar into August we typically roll out of the long Mexican mango season. Some years the period winds down at the beginning or middle of August, and some others go through until the beginning of September. This season the latter is expected, it starts as far down as Chiapas and slowly makes its way up Mexico’s tropical Pacific coast, through Oaxaca, Michoacán, Jalisco, Nayarit, Baja and Sinaloa, with a grand finale in Los Mochis. The Keitt, a late-season cultivar originating in Florida from a Mulgoba seed, is most predominant in Sinaloa’s northern production. We also see a significant amount of this cultivar in the Rosario and Los Mochis areas of Sinaloa, which is the only mainland USDA NO TREATMENT zone for all imported mangoes into the USA (due to the area being declared a fruit fly-free zone by USDA). Its trees tend to tower on average at about 60 feet high. But in commercial produciton they are sized down for efficiency in harvest . Typically Kiett trees produce big to gigantic mangoes by comparison to others varietals: if the average mango is a size 9cnt, the average Keitt often comes in at about a 6cnt. (With the exception of the Rasario region in Sinaloa which tends to produce smaller (optimal sized Keitts 8-9-10) Mangoes are generall sized for the USA/Canadian marketplace as a count in a 4Kg box, so a size 9cnt mango would weigh about a pound and a size 6cnt would weigh about a pound and half.

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Featured, Product

The Kent Mango

June 26, 2016

Kent Mangoes

All-Around Favorite Imported Mango

In the height of peak Mexican mango season in Sinaloa, usually around July, we see the markets giddy with anticipation for the Kent mango. As more and more Mexican farmers continue to do away with other consumer-coveted varietals, the Kent is generally a welcome addition on both sides.

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Featured, Kitchen, Product

Mexico’s Yellow Slipper

June 10, 2016

Basket of Atualfos

Ataulfo ~ Champagne ~ Yellow ~ Manila 

The Ataulfo, often seen referred to as a Champagne Mango (a name trademarked by a specific importer years back) or yellow mango, is known as Mexico’s “yellow slipper”, (after the slipper shape) as it is described in Spanish. It is one of the most coveted mango varietals available to us in North America. The oval or (sort of) kidney bean-shaped fruit has a slightly spicy and vibrant, super sweet flavor; it is constantly revered for its nonfibrous flesh and buttery consistency, as well as its small narrow seed. In terms of mangoes, the Ataulfo offers what is pretty near perfection in a mango-eating experience. In my opinion, the flavors of the Ataulfo scream Mexico, with subtle but bright citrus (limón) and spicy (chili) undertones smothered in a sweet (sugar caramel) buttery flesh.

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Featured, Product

Heavenly Haden Mangoes

May 31, 2016

Haden mangoes in the orchard

“It has the greatest flavor that has ever tickled the palate of man.”
Marshall Schwisher, eminent publisher of music.

If you live in Florida you are probably more than aware of the beauty of Haden mangoes. Not only are they one of the most fragrant and perfumed kind, but also a Florida cultivar, likely hailing from a cross between a Mulgoba and a turpentine mango. The Mulgoba is one of the earlier mango varietals originating from the south of India and it’s considered by many to be the best tasting in the world. The Mulgoba eventually made its way over to Cuba and then Florida. It is typically a very large, sweet and tasty fruit. Due to its low yield and “ugly” squat shape, it hasn’t been attractive in modern mango cultivation but it’s still one of the most coveted and hard to find fruits in India.

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Featured, News, Product

Santa Cruz Summer Mango Mania, a Hands-On Cooking Class

May 19, 2016



Come With Your Inquisitive Mind, Leave With Mango Expertise!

Summertime screams mango. As the Mexican mango season blossoms in the peak of our summer, we begin to crave more and more of this sweet, perfumy fruit. Despite mango being the most widely consumed fruit in the world, it is one of the most intimidating in our kitchens. This hands-on class takes the pressure off, teaching the basics and beyond of all things mango. From selection to storage advice, to the best cutting techniques for your skill level (including kids). The class will cover a gamut of simple, yet tantalizing recipes, yielding several more ideas and kitchen tips to use all summer long. There will be plenty of mango nutritional wisdom offered and juicy tidbits of grower and agricultural knowledge. You will walk away with the sweetest ideas for your summer #MangoMania, as well as a case of organic mangoes in hand, thanks to Earl’s Organic and Crespo Organic Mangoes!

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