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The Art of the Mango Display

March 19, 2024

How to prepare for #MuchosMangoes and create optimal shopper #mangojoy

It’s difficult to envision a scenario where #MuchosMangoes are priced just right and abundantly available consistently, particularly amidst this week’s lower Ataulfo volumes. Doubt exacerbated by season-to-date difficulties from Mexico and the lingering bad taste offshore programs have left.  But #MuchosMangoes are both here and on the horizon, and it’s crucial, perhaps more than ever, that we prepare ourselves accordingly.

We should see prices begin to gently lower, closer to “normal” (what even is normal anymore) as more conventional fruit comes on the market from other regions and countries. Conventional markets have a way of pressurizing the organic side of things and this will help move us all in the direction we want and need to go- selling more mangoes – which means better price points for consumers.

On the growing side, our responsibility is to ensure that our programs operate smoothly and maintain a consistent supply of high-quality mangoes, irrespective of weather and other challenges. Meanwhile, the role of the Crespo Organic Kitchen is to ensure that marketing tools and mango education are effectively implemented, guaranteeing consistent sales and delighted mango shoppers.

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Featured, News, Product

NEW! Shelf-Ready Dried Mango – Tear Away Display Case

December 18, 2023

Our tropical, chewy, portable mango snacks get wrapped up as perpetual gifts

Picture this: a hassle-free opening experience that mirrors the excitement of unwrapping a gift, revealing not just Mexico’s sweetest and most prized portable natural indulgence – Crespo Organic Dried Mangoes but the delightful revelation that the shipping box transforms into a perpetual gift as it doubles as a captivating Crespo Organic branded display box. This picture is real, and it’s our new Shelf-Ready Tear-Away display Case!

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Featured, Product

Ataulfo Marketing 101

December 22, 2022


Shortcutting the promotion of Mexico’s yellow slipper

This is an industry geared post.

I am currently in Miami taking a snowbird working month for myself, escaping the midwest cold. It’s sunny and warm here but I know for most of you the rain is currently falling and a good many of you have snow dropping or piled up.   Rest assured spring is definitely coming. And mangoes that means an uptick in sales.

The way we crave comfort food in the winter is exactly the way we crave healthy and vibrant foods in the spring.  Mangoes are both healthy and vibrant and Ataulfos are the most vibrant and healthy mangoes we have access to in our organic marketplace. The buttery smooth Ataulfo flesh  makes them extremely versatile for cooking and they are easy to please consumers price wise with  sizing at 12/14/16/18 vs 7/8/9/10. The Crespo Organic Ataulfo program is robust. Not only do we take sizing and quality seriously but we have invested in the consistency of volume necessary to build sales and ongoing national programs. The Crespo Organic seasons starts in late January and moves through the end of August, so its also long one- worthy of some attention, especially as Ataulfos take off as the fastest growing organic varietal among consumers.

As we near the start of the 2023 Mexican mango season with Ataulfo mangoes set to emerge onto the scene the last week of the month, it’s a good time to either examine your existing organic Ataulfo program or think about implementing one. We have time, quality product and the support you need,  the Crespo Ataulfo program is a good one; carpe diem.

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Farm, Featured, Product

Crespo Organic Nam Doc Mai

August 1, 2022

Thailand’s most famous dessert mango #HechoEnMexico

Where exactly is Jorge the Crespo Mango Man these days? We haven’t seen him in a while, which usually means he’s deep in the thickets of his secret projects.

Jorge Crespo is one of the four Crespo siblings, who alongside his mother run the family agricultural business ( El Grupo Crespo) that was established in 1960 in El Rosario, Sinaloa, Mexico by Jorge Longinos Crespo, Jorge’s grandfather and whom he was named after.

Jorge (Crespo) has a deep passion for all things new and different and a totally forward-thinking personality. All the Crespo siblings inherited this from their father, Roberto Crespo Fitch, who built Empaque Don Jorge in 1971 and began the family’s venture into the global world of growing, packing and exporting mangoes, and paving the way for Jorge’s sweet and intoxicating journey into growing the worlds most coveted mango cultivars in Mexico.

El Grupo Crespo’s aim is not simply to increase production and consumption of organic Mexican mangoes but to do so in a way that creates long term viable, profitable and sustainable agricultural models for their surrounding growing communities. This not only means constantly improving but changing as markets do, as economics do and as consumers needs and desires do. Continue Reading…

Farm, Featured, News, Product

Ataulfo Season Ending

June 23, 2020

Are we every really prepared for good things to end?

In recent years, Ataulfo mangoes have become a staple of many mango programs across the USA and Canada. Fruit eaters have warmed to this deliciously sweet and texturally silky mango. The path to increase consumer appreciation has not been easy for the Ataulfo, whose skin is most often blemished and overly wrinkled when it is perfectly ripe. Its shelf life is short, and bruises and scuffs tend to show up more on the Ataulfo – oftentimes showing up and disappearing and showing up and disappearing as the mango moves through the various stages of ripeness. Unlike its counterparts, the Ataulfo mango can only be eaten when ripe, so patience is a must and confusion among consumers regarding when it’s actually ready can be high. It’s Mexican name, celebrating its Mexican heritage, can be hard to pronounce for many North Americans, creating complications in education and marketing and spreading the joy for this mango varietal. Yet, despite all these obstacles, Mexico’s yellow slipper has succeeded, particularly in the organic sector, and especially as more consumers taste it and learn its nuances. Many retailers have succeeded greatly promoting this mango and sales have jumped in recent years. And now, just when everyone is used to its high dollar sales and consumer excitement, the season is ending.

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Farm, Featured, News, Product

The Crespo Big Box!

June 11, 2020


A stronger box in the midst of chaos to ease the burden in building bigger displays of #MuchosMangoes

A few weeks ago I thought things were tough in our industry. With the Corona virus spreading through the USA at an alarming rate, mango sales and specifically the size of mango displays were not getting bigger, despite the wall of mangoes coming from the orchards.

The big, bold displays of #MuchosMangoes celebrating what we call Summer Mango Mania – or the collision point between peak production time in Nayarit & Sinaloa and the height of consumer demand, better known as; SUMMER TIMEhave not begun to appear as they usually do by this time. This season, and this week in particular, everything looks different in our world and yet the mangoes still grow and people still eat.

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Featured, News, Product

Mango Mania 2019

August 14, 2019


Customers blew our minds with awesome displays of  #MuchosMangoes

The Crespo Organic Summer Mango Mania #MuchosMangoes promotion is the collision point between Nayarit and Sinaloa peak mango production, happening in the height of consumer demand,  SUMMERTIME. For two months, usually starting to build volumes and displays in June, building up to  gigantic consumer sales and buzz in July, a mango mania frenzy takes over the nation.  The promotion happens when the orchards are at their most copies and this year we not only had over the top quality and a vast array of sizing options, but we had more participants in our annual display contests that we hold in conjunction with our wholesales and retailers.

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Featured, Product

Ataulfo Marketing 101

February 13, 2019


Shortcutting the promotion of Mexico’s yellow slipper

This is an industry geared post.

Even though the rain is currently falling and the snow dropping, spring is definitely coming. It always does and when it does mango sales increase.  The way we crave comfort food in the winter is exactly the way we crave healthy and vibrant foods in the spring.  Mangoes are both healthy and vibrant and Ataulfos are the most vibrant and healthy mangoes we have access to in our organic marketplace. The buttery smooth Ataulfo flesh  makes them extremely versatile for cooking and they are easy to please consumers price wise with  sizing at 14/16/18 vs 8/9/10. The Crespo Organic Ataulfo program is robust. Not only do we take sizing and quality seriously but we have invested in the consistency of volume necessary to build sales and ongoing national programs. The Crespo Organic seasons starts in late January and moves through the end of August, so its also long one- worthy of some attention, especially as Ataulfos take off as the fastest growing organic varietal among consumers.

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Farm, Featured, News, Product

Crespo Organic Sees All Yellow

January 21, 2019

Mexico revs up mango engines with Ataulfos to start the season

Most packing sheds are currently opened, opening or will be opening in the next few weeks in the southern states of Oaxaca and Chiapas.

Ataulfos are on track to start first – some growers have started picking and others will start picking next week and, in the weeks, to follow.  Ideally growers should be particular in the pack out as its been reported by several growers – we included- that because of heavy rains during December when fruit formation was taking place, much of the onset fruit may not be of the highest quality (on the outside). Some growers, like us, are opting to have more patience as the fruit behind the onset fruit is showing much better quality.  Being particular in terms of pack out vs, the pack everything methodology that often occurs with the opening of the season, has proven to be more successful for our rather large Ataulfo program that lasts through August, typically.  

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Farm, Featured, Product, Secrets & Lies

What The Blush?

August 18, 2017

Secret blush notes of the Sinaloa Keitt Mango


Mangoes continue to surprise and delight me. They are a lot like people. Whenever I think I know something about them, they prove me wrong. Things that grow are complex by nature, and taking a cookie cutter approach to defining them always fails.

As I proceed on my mango-centric food education mission, I have a responsibility to admit when I am wrong and when I too am guilty of being “scripted” along the way.

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