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Culture, Featured, News

Little Ataulfos. Big Opportunity.

January 31, 2024

Offering consumers  a side of value along with their #MangoJoy

Our sweet organic Ataulfos are making their way across the USA and into stores. Their natural sugar caramel sweetness, complemented by subtle Mexican spice undertones, is soon to grace the hands of eager Ataulfo aficionados. The potential for sweet culinary creations becomes limitless: from vibrant salsas and fiery hot sauces (Crespo Sinaloa Sauce) to delightful breakfasts, luscious cakes, and decadent desserts. Most will simply eat them and experience the high dose of #MangoJoy that this particular varietal offers, savoring them more so this season onset with the backdrop of the mango-chaos.

We won’t deceive ourselves and overlook the significantly high market prices and their impact on both sales and consumer enthusiasm for mangoes. It’s evident that we are navigating uncharted territory in the realm of mango markets, a situation well-acknowledged by all.

Certainly, I think, we not only have good ideas but also the determination and mango expertise to navigate through the chaos, all with the goal of achieving sweet results for consumers, retailers and our own systems. In these times, it’s crucial for all of us to tap into our creativity, think more openly, and be willing to try new things.

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Featured, News, People

Ataulfo Marketing 101

January 24, 2024


Shortcutting the promotion of Mexico’s yellow slipper

This is an industry geared post.

Despite the challenges in the early Mexican season, Ataulfo mangoes are poised to bring us our  much-needed #MangoJoy.

As our  Crespo Organic Ataulfo mangoes are about to make their debut,  now is the opportune moment to evaluate your current organic Ataulfo program or consider implementing one. With our expertise, top-quality products, and dedicated support, the Crespo Ataulfo program stands strong even amid the chaotic Peruvian circumstances……..carpe diem.

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Farm, Featured, News

Organic Ataulfos {Slowly Kind Of} Start Now

January 16, 2024

Mexican mango season starts slowly amidst an empty pipeline…..

I’m back from a beach break in Puerto Rico, a much needed respite before another Mexican mango season begins. This break proved to be a wise decision, considering the anticipated complexity of the looming mango season, perhaps even more complex than usual and mostly just at the onset.

In my last crop report, “A Christmas Mango Teaser,” my message was a mix of positive news alongside Roberto’s warning about the strong winds prevailing at that time. Many expected wind damage resulting in some gaps, prompting us to wait before assessing the situation.

Unfortunately, the wind did cause damage by dislodging blooms and even some set fruit, creating numerous small gaps from orchard to orchard. This will impact volumes at the onset and during the initial weeks of the season. Essentially, supplies will be limited for most of February but are expected to increase and stabilize as we progress into March.

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Featured, News

Ataulfo Mango Time

April 13, 2023

Shortcutting the promotion of Mexico’s yellow slipper

This is an industry geared post.

Instead of focusing on the lack of the round fruit the orchards are currently yielding into an empty pipeline, a problem that will take a little more time to fix and stabilize; focus on the mango abundance that the orchards are currently giving ~ Ataulfo mangoes!  It’s a great time to either examine and improve your existing organic Ataulfo program or think about implementing one. We have time, quality product and the support you need.

The Crespo Ataulfo program is robust; carpe diem.

The buttery smooth Ataulfo flesh  makes them extremely versatile for cooking  and eating and they are easy to please consumers price wise with  sizing at 12/14/16/18. Not only do we take sizing and quality seriously but we have invested in the consistency of volume necessary to build sales and ongoing national programs. The Crespo Organic seasons starts in late January and moves through the middle to end of August, so its also long one- worthy of some attention, especially as Ataulfos take off as the fastest growing organic varietal among consumers. And especially now as the Tommy’s are scarce and California’s stone fruit late do to the crazy rains. Retailers looking for something promote worthy need to look no further than the Crespo Organic Ataulfo mango!

We have everything that you need for success including price. They go on sale starting next week through Cinco De Mayo 
Download our Interactive Cinco De Mayo #CelebrateMexico #Celebrate Mangoes guide.

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Farm, Featured, News, Secrets & Lies

Unstained Facts on Southern Ataulfos

February 20, 2023

Uncovering the facts about Ataulfo mango Latex staining & sap injury

This article was originally posted on Under the Mango Tree in February of 2017 and has been updated here.

Over the years, I really thought I understood the major problems affecting the “king of fruits,” specifically the varietals and those from the countries I worked with. Since I have traveled to orchards on multiple continents to examine the fruit and its “afflictions du jour,” I thought I had the facts straight on mango quality. Alas, since I met the Crespo family, I have come to discover that I had barely scratched the surface when it came to mango quality issues.

Like most everyone in the industry, I had to sift through a lot of misinformation about the quality of mangoes, but I tend to ask a lot of questions. And because I am me, I share the information I find. Under The Mango Tree’s goal has always been to get more accurate mango information to buyers, industry folks, and consumers. As we all struggle to compete in the complex agriculture world, this blog has been my attempt at being part of the solution. Talking about commodity imperfections is an important part of that process and an important part of commodity education.

Today I want to talk and share about the dark marks we see on many of the Ataulfo mangoes from time to time and most often from the ones that hail from the southern regions: Chiapas and Oaxaca. The good news in this particular affliction/imperfection is, that the mangoes ripen through the aesthetic imperfections, that tend to be more predominant when at the greener stage (when most of you receive the product), rather nicely and turn golden yellow without many blemishes (when the consumers see it). Harvesting and packhouse behaviors make a difference and so does talking about it.

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Featured, Product

Ataulfo Marketing 101

December 22, 2022


Shortcutting the promotion of Mexico’s yellow slipper

This is an industry geared post.

I am currently in Miami taking a snowbird working month for myself, escaping the midwest cold. It’s sunny and warm here but I know for most of you the rain is currently falling and a good many of you have snow dropping or piled up.   Rest assured spring is definitely coming. And mangoes that means an uptick in sales.

The way we crave comfort food in the winter is exactly the way we crave healthy and vibrant foods in the spring.  Mangoes are both healthy and vibrant and Ataulfos are the most vibrant and healthy mangoes we have access to in our organic marketplace. The buttery smooth Ataulfo flesh  makes them extremely versatile for cooking and they are easy to please consumers price wise with  sizing at 12/14/16/18 vs 7/8/9/10. The Crespo Organic Ataulfo program is robust. Not only do we take sizing and quality seriously but we have invested in the consistency of volume necessary to build sales and ongoing national programs. The Crespo Organic seasons starts in late January and moves through the end of August, so its also long one- worthy of some attention, especially as Ataulfos take off as the fastest growing organic varietal among consumers.

As we near the start of the 2023 Mexican mango season with Ataulfo mangoes set to emerge onto the scene the last week of the month, it’s a good time to either examine your existing organic Ataulfo program or think about implementing one. We have time, quality product and the support you need,  the Crespo Ataulfo program is a good one; carpe diem.

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Featured, News

Time to Brush Up On Ataulfo Marketing

January 18, 2022


Shortcut to success, Ataulfo Marketing 101

This is an industry geared post.

Even though it is currently cold in most states and fresh snow has blanketed much of the US, spring is definitely coming. It always does and when it does mango sales increase.  The way we crave comfort food in the winter is exactly the way we crave healthy and vibrant foods in the spring and succulent juicy, thirst quenching fruits in the summer.  Mangoes are  healthy and vibrant and thirst quenching and juicy and Ataulfos are the most vibrant and healthy mangoes we have access to in our organic marketplace and the most rewarding summer time fruit.

The buttery smooth Ataulfo flesh  makes them extremely versatile for cooking and they are easy to please consumers price wise with  sizing at 14/16/18/20 vs 8/9/10/12. The Crespo Organic Ataulfo program is robust. Not only do we take sizing and quality seriously but we have invested in the consistency of volume necessary to build sales and large season long  national programs.

The Crespo Organic seasons starts in late January and moves through  mid-August, so its also long one- worthy of some attention, especially as Ataulfos take off as the fastest growing organic varietal among consumers.

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Farm, Featured, News

Little Ataulfo Mangoes

April 23, 2021

An opportunity knocking down the door

I originally started to write this blog to share important news on the organic mango industry to organic mango customers and interested consumers in real time. I saw a gap between what I was privy to versus what American buyers knew (or didn’t know is more like it) when it came to mangoes, organics and certainly the day-to-day crop and market interrelations.

In my early years, I had learned that when buyers had factual information, long-term (and better) sales opportunities could be made. Stronger relationships were built between consumers, buyers and farmers which set us off on a greater solution-oriented trajectory.

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Farm, Featured, News, Product

Ataulfo Season Ending

June 23, 2020

Are we every really prepared for good things to end?

In recent years, Ataulfo mangoes have become a staple of many mango programs across the USA and Canada. Fruit eaters have warmed to this deliciously sweet and texturally silky mango. The path to increase consumer appreciation has not been easy for the Ataulfo, whose skin is most often blemished and overly wrinkled when it is perfectly ripe. Its shelf life is short, and bruises and scuffs tend to show up more on the Ataulfo – oftentimes showing up and disappearing and showing up and disappearing as the mango moves through the various stages of ripeness. Unlike its counterparts, the Ataulfo mango can only be eaten when ripe, so patience is a must and confusion among consumers regarding when it’s actually ready can be high. It’s Mexican name, celebrating its Mexican heritage, can be hard to pronounce for many North Americans, creating complications in education and marketing and spreading the joy for this mango varietal. Yet, despite all these obstacles, Mexico’s yellow slipper has succeeded, particularly in the organic sector, and especially as more consumers taste it and learn its nuances. Many retailers have succeeded greatly promoting this mango and sales have jumped in recent years. And now, just when everyone is used to its high dollar sales and consumer excitement, the season is ending.

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Featured, Kitchen

Ataulfo Swirl Meringue Cookies

March 30, 2020

A simple crunch cookie your kids can make!

I recently found myself with some leftover egg whites from an ice cream project I did – which you can find on my other blog My Herbal Roots. So, I wanted to try an idea that had been swirling around in my head (pun intended; they’re great fun!).

Years ago, while teaching classes at my culinary center in Brooklyn, we attempted to flavor French meringue cookies with different fresh ingredients. We knew that it was difficult, but we felt that it could be done if we had the right texture and consistency. To a certain extent, we were right; however, it is more true that dried powders work best for flavoring meringue because the meringue will fall apart if you add something with too much moisture. It’s still possible, though, especially with thick paste like fresh sauces. We cooked down blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, and many other items until they were a thick, fresh tasting pastes and added those to the meringue batter. We got pretty good results. Continue Reading…